Moving up in the world (replaced my old Windows 7 machine's OS with Ubuntu so I can get familiar with Linux)

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    welcome to the world of linux
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    Good choice. In case you like Linux you could also try out Arch. It's my fav distro but hasn't got a graphical installer :)
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    @b3b3 I'll look into it!
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    @b3b3 arch is love arch is life
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    Ubuntu's always a good place to start ^^ still using derivations of it
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    Welcome to Linux!
    Ubuntu is a great starting point
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    Nice move. I'm about to completely erase windows from my main machine. The linux subsystem isn't really enough right now...
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    Welcome!! Next Ubuntu version coming in a month, you will say good bye to unity!
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    Only thing left to do is to ditch toshiba for lenovo ;)
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    Good move but change the gnome desktop. I can't with that gnome desktop version...
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    i'd suggest xubuntu if you're going the ubuntu route;
    i mostly prefer Arch however. You should take a look at antergos, it's an out-of-the-box easy arch installation,
    (i'd suggest KDE as the desktop. it lets you choose during the install)
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    @demiko i m only using an old version atm but with enough ram and SSD it runs fine. The x1 carbon is pretty cool but mine got stolen -_-
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    Better use Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate. Unity sucks so hard.
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    Welcome to Linux.
    I'll recommend for a laptop Linux Mint. Is user friendly distro if u went from Windows.
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    Good choice. Welcome to the peguin family. A few books i recommend:

    The Linux Bible
    The Ubuntu Bible
    follow linux.com/tutorials
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    Oh I had that exact same Toshiba, it served me well that poor thing, I learned most of my programming stuff using it
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    Fcuk, this what exactly I want to comment. That's why I opened the rant. And you commented it already. :)
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    Do the same to all your machine now !!!
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    Few years back, when I was in University, I used to think like how come people code 2, 3 days straight.

    In the past 2 days, I didn't even sleep more than 30 mins. May be a nap., I guess.

    Now I get it. This is passion. This is life.
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    There are some great and easy to install themes for ubuntu. Then your notebook doesn't look like 8 years old but fresh as new. This default theme is not very pleasing in my opinion. I use a theme called Arc (dark) in my ubuntu install if I remember correctly.
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    @TobyAsE Thanks, I'll definitely look into it!
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    You are late
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