
Anyone know a good site to ask programming questions that are more on the looking for suggestions side of things rather than explicit answers? Apparently Stackoverflow mods would rather wave there mighty e-peen and close a thread if your looking for suggestions on how to go about something... 😕

  • 4
    Yep, there's this great site called devRant. A lot of fantastic peeps there that won't piss on your head, because asked a question.
  • 2
    @iAmNaN I don't want to sound like a jerk but it seems like Stack Overflow is filled with toxic elitist mentality these days, normal users are helpful but the mods, atleast the ones I've seen I'm not fond of... They would rather close a legitimate post that let others answer it if they can find any excuse to... 😡
  • 1
    The only other place I know of is Sololearn. Just try to use the in-app search option first, since they hate answering questions that have already been asked.
  • -1
    @hexc nonsense. There's a faq on what stays and what doesn't. Had you read that, you wouldn't complain about it. Don't be a muggle - read the site rules before posting.
  • 1
    I despise so, shit is toxic af and not welcoming to new people. How many times have i had people at work telling me about legitimate questions that were downvoted and closed because of the mods. I understand that they do have standards, but most of those are made by very experienced people that want everyone to be at their level whilst forgetting that not everyone goes into se knowing everything!
  • 6
    Suggestion-based questions (non-code-specific) are welcome here. We have an update likely coming out tomorrow that will make that cleaner and more clear :)
  • 2
    @dfox ah sweet!
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