
So here I am investigating something our users are claiming. I look up which user the UserId did the change and I see not only the user but also the users password in clear text in a separate field. I thought that field was for a password hint that the user can set up, but I asked around and apparently, no... It's literally the plain text version of the password stored in the database, next to the hash of the password.
Apparently, the users were so impossible to deal with that we added that column and for users that constantly pester us about not knowing their password and not wanting to change it, we added a plaintext password field for them :D

  • 0
    And sql inject and done. Pushs easy button. Starts logging in as users.
  • 3
    @skprog we're pretty well protected against SQL injection, but in this case you can pretty much guess the password in a few tries so no amount of protection on our side is gonna help those users...
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