So LTT is now more or less officially Linus Trash Tips. Nothing new, but the level of ineptitude and denial is remarkable. He should have stayed at pure entertainment videos with goofing around.

Gamers Nexus' take:

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    I liked his video on those piezo coolers. It gave us ideas on our products at work.
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    @Demolishun Even a broken clock shows the right time twice per day.
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    Crazy how things turn out when you are not listing to your employees. Better hire more consultants to improve the quality of your content 🔥
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    @SuspiciousBug wasn't the point of that employee video that Linus shall never see it
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    they also released a monetized apology video, where they basically just talked about optimizing their companies processes, but didn't really address anything besides the billet labs thing. The jokes were kinda unnecessary too in that context

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    It's maybe just rigged free promotion. They're all buddies.

    LTT needs better writers, they're uncreative. Build one more gaming pc and i *****
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    You can make mistakes you know. They have published thousands of informative videos but make one mistake and everyone is questioning them.

    Pathetic behaviour. But then, It's the internet so.....
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    @SidTheITGuy it is not one miskate, it is a whole series of mistakes, done willfully for throughput and profit. To top that, you remember that one girl Linus built a PC with?

    Well.. check this out:
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    It's funny.

    Like always.

    People who sent me LTT links in the last years suddenly have pitch forks and torches in their hands and claim LTT sucks et cetera et cetera.

    The behaviour on all sites is... Just plain amusing to me.

    If you supported LTT for years and now belong to the lynch mob: Go back to the troll cave and stay there.

    In general, there are very few good sites left - but LTT was and never has been a good source, it was always shit.

    Just don't watch the links and don't participate in the lynch mob, then they won't get money and die.

    Simple as that.
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    Normal people who don't know shit and don't care about PCs will just keep watching his tech channel comedy series. His charismatic clumsiness and stupidity (partially played, partially real) is exactly the type of content millions of people like to watch.

    For people who do care, his show always has been cringe anyways.
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    @SidTheITGuy It's not about making "one mistake", that's bullshit. It's making a lot of them, and then even doubling down.
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    @Fast-Nop Yeah well the world isn't sunshines and rainbows. People be greedy AF and money literally drives everything.

    Not that surprising after the Ellen DeGeneres / The Liver King expose.
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    @SidTheITGuy that's exactly the point:
    people make mistakes and are held accountable for them

    because at the end of the day it's not sunshines and rainbows.
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    @thebiochemic apparently they removed monetization from it in response to feedback.

    The video felt a bit off to me, since it mostly felt like a crisis management video that a company would make. On one hand, the whole point is that the problems should be solved, but the video started sounding more like a promotional video introducing various employees than a response to the criticism. Especially since most of the criticism was still denied. But, ironically, that video was made on an extremely tight schedule for a good reason, so there's no wonder it was a bit off.

    Linus has repeatedly talked proudly about how precisely they make content decisions based on how to squeeze the most profit out of each video. Quality control doesn't boost profit in the short term. They got a little too good at making profit, and now it backfires.
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    @electrineer don't like that new ceo. He has no charisma at all. Yvon almost crying at dem beginning, meh. Give her an Oscar.

    Aniwaii, i never took them too serious but just liked the entertainment a lot. So, for me it all doesn't matter
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    @retoor I don't think the ceo needs to be charismatic since the whole point was that he would take care of the boring stuff. I wouldn't judge Yvonne. I too have watched the channel just for entertainment and some news.
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    @Fast-Nop not if the clock is broken because the hands fell off.
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    @Nanos Tech lead is the worst. Total scammer
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    @Nanos my channel is worth watching
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    @SidTheITGuy totalii. Good morning
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    @Nanos my username itself is my channel tag on YouTube.. also its in my profile.
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    @Nanos yeah I look quite young for 30 years old, some relatives say that I lie to them about my age. They say I look 24. 😏

    It's because of me working out I think.
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    @Nanos his target audience are the newbies and he has a platform for learning how to go trough interviews. It's targeted at people who want to get 'rich' quick
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    @Nanos yesh
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    i always thought it went to cooperate when he talked about being a company and then selling these weird oversized chinese bags and having to apologize for them not working correctly.
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