I'm working on a project with ~1TB of data. Are there any good options for hosting that won't break the bank and aren't localhost? 😅

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    Google / Amazon
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    Is it for permanent access or as a backup?
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    Microsoft Azure.
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    For a production environment or just a hobby project?
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    Just asked a friend what they use in their company. rsync.net

    3 cents per GB/month - 25 GB minimum, paid annually.
    No other costs. No contracts. All transfer/bandwidth/usage is free.
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    @tracktraps @ChappIO want to host my own geocoder which requires a dB of world addresses. Usually ~500gb. Also my own map tiles and map tile server which is a few 100gbs as well

    Might be a really expensive side project 😕

    Maybe I can descope a lot of this or I'll need to start looking at hosted services (sort of defeating my goal 😢)
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    @elcore Well, that's fucking cheap. € 5,12 Intensive for 1 TB.
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    @fffrrraaannnkkk sounds like a cool project, is it still in development or already developed?
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    @ChappIO just started development. Been wanting to do a large mapping project with self hosted and open source tech instead of Google maps.

    I haven't even decided what data to put on the map yet. Maybe a live transit map or a Spotify heat map of actively listened songs or something
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    Depending on the performance you might be cheaper to build an old Xeon server at home with a buttload of storage and host it locally with DynaDNS.
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    @fffrrraaannnkkk How is the project going? I could offer you some space on my server untill I need it myself. I don't expect to need it for a while.

    I have a 500mbit low-latency uplink available.

    Let me know if you would like to use it. The only payment I would take it access to your geocoding api :) I have a couple data analysis projects where I have a bunch (millions) of coordinates which I would like to translate to countries or provinces.
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    @ChappIO for now I'm settling on using a local 2TB drive. Maybe it'll be a good use case for rocker with the multiple large servers? I don't know never tried it :)

    https://github.com/pelias/pelias here's the geocoder in question if you'd like to try it out. There's a hosted solution via Mapzen or a link to their main page with instructions on how to self host it
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    @fffrrraaannnkkk thanks, I'll check it out
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