
Seems like the local shopping mall is using pirated windows...

  • 0
    I see pirated windows everywhere..!
  • 0
    Define 'pirated'. Sometimes it's easier to use a single install of a system that works everywhere than curse over anti-pirate shit. Even if you have the license for the software.
  • 0
    At least it's Windows 7 and not 10. Also pirates are violent criminals, this is just alleged unlicensed software use.
  • 0
    Probably not. Sometimes 7 loses his activation, even a vlk, if it can't access the Internet for a long time.
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    Stuff that could be easily done with Linux
  • 0
    I love seeing error messages or crashes out in the wild.
  • 1
    @mxcmxc I hate not being able to fix them.
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