Recruiter: are you interested in a client side java role?

Me: yes, here is my client side resume please submit me

Recruiter: sorry the hiring manager said they are looking for more of a back-end engineer

Me: you told me it was a client side role, please resubmit me with my back-end geared resume

Recruiter: yes that's correct, it's client side, we'll keep you in mind for the future but you should know there is a difference between mobile devs and web devs

Me: what you just said is not relevant to this conversation. I would be happy to discuss the diff between front-end and back-end, client vs server, etc.

Recruiter: I'm just relaying what the hiring manager is saying to me

Me: your [lack of] ability to relay technical information is quite apparent :/

*lesson learned*: interview recruiters before they start interviewing me

Unbelievable waste of time, how do these people even make a living? FML!

  • 9
    this is why i have a cv with different sections for front/back/mobile
  • 8
    Literally don't waste any time with recruiters.

    The only thing they're good at is promising you the world in their first sales pitch.

    I've wasted tens of hours in a time when I didn't have that time to spend, when I had to be productive in looking for a job, on useless recruiters.
    A recruiter has never come up with anything lucrative for me, except for companies that were desperate (but they are usually desperate because they have a shitty offer but large expectations).

    A recruiter will suck your time and energy, and do absolutely nothing with it.
  • 1
    @BindView yeah lesson learned. I'm trying to work on something not so cluttered and more organized. That's why I divided it up, I dunno. If you could post a link to your resume or template I can review, I would love it!
  • 3
    Probably why I'm jobless right now. Which btw could really use some help/advice on that.
  • 0
    @Starkium not sure how many remote jobs I can help you find (live across the country from you) but what would you want to do? I can see if anyone I know has ideas
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana if you click on my profile, my last rant shows what I'm looking for.
  • 1
    @greenhouse The recruiter might not be a very technical person but tries to conceal it, you should just nod in agreement

    @queenmorgana also interested in a remote job, thanks
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana got any leads around LA? BS in CS, many apps in the App Stores, full stack including UX design and database modeling, netsec, voip and OSI 7 layer architecture experience, love unix cli, socket programming and video streaming experience, no heavy dependencies on 3rd party libraries (including network and storage controllers in MVC integrations)... thanks!
  • 1
    @devJoe don't know of any international dev jobs, but I have friends in Portugal who might. I'll ask.
  • 2
    @greenhouse I might know of a few places closer to San Diego, but I'll ask around.
  • 2
    @devJoe apply to large corporations thru their regular recruitment forms. Also, call any company that's hiring contractors. Look for job at StackOverflow and Github ads. Keep your cv available and online on github.
  • 0
    @mt3o cv on stackoverflow and github, genius idea thank you. Can't believe I didn't think of that, so simple!
  • 1
    Don't be sarcastic. You'd surprised to learn how many people don't do such obvious things. Last weeks I passed people cvs here and there and no one was having their cv on github. One guy had no cv at all! And somehow he managed to find one.
    Ads on SO and Github might be blocked away by your browser, or they might be transparent for you like they are for me. I just "don't see" them. Started "seeing" them when I was looking for a job myself. Then "stopped seeing" them back again ;-)
    So no matter how obvious something might be, it's worth to mention, because it could have been overlooked.
  • 1
    @mt3o ha, I definitely was not being sarcastic. Sorry it sounded like that. I was literally kicking myself just now because I didn't think of that. Ha I am working right now to even create a simple repo of all my knowledgebase .txt docs (how-to guides etc.) and reference notes that I create and maintain over the years. Just of simple reusable code snippets, protocols, categories, algorithms, defines and data structures and stuff. Thank you! (Sincerely) sorry again didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic : )
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana awesome! Much appreciated! Please feel free to hit me up to chat more: info@copark.la Thanks again!!
  • 0
    There was a mems going around of a dude with a whiteboard, a bunch of frameworks and language names and a couple of pokemon names sprinkled around. Saying something like "I ask recruiters which ones are Pokemon names before bla bla" or something like that. It was pretty funny.
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