  • 3
    Redux is definitely tricky to get a handle on. Have you considered alternatives such as MobX or using local component state management? Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux, has even come out with articles explaining how in most cases and for most smaller projects it's overkill. Otherwise if you're certain you'd like to use it or it's already in the project you're working on check out Dan's videos on Egghead.io. They're free and go in detail as to how Redux works and really demystifies it.
    Lastly - any specific problems?
  • 1
    I know the feeling bro 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
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    I love Redux. But use it only when necessary.
  • 0
    Have you tried mobx?
  • 1
    It's somewhat over-engineered honestly. I'm not sure what's the value of not mutating objects in a frontend state management library like this.

    Just use those tools like logger and follow your actions and how your reducers spit them out.
  • 3
    @vertti I see where you're coming from, but I think it has many benefits for larger scale applications.

    The absence of direct mutation makes the state completely predictable, where the UI is purely a function of the state. Just that alone will eliminate a whole range of possible bugs! It also makes it suuuper easy to do time-travel debugging or mimic user action. :)

    And of course, although a bit boilerplatey, Redux does provide a pretty solid, normalized architecture to your app!
  • 2
    @xico ok yeah I appreciate the value in larger scale apps. In smaller apps, like some small react native app redux seems to kinda slow down the development in some ways. And thing will get a bit confusing when you use local state on the side for some minor things. So it's not like you'll always just let redux handle everything.
  • 1
    @vertti Yep, totally agree!
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