Ask yourself a couple of simple questions:
Do you like to code?
Do you like to learn new things and improve?
Do you like to solve problems and spend hours on a single detail until it finally works?

If your answers contain a "no", then development is probably not for you. You will hate it and you will suck at it. And you will make lifes of devs who actually love it miserable. So do something else.

  • 3
    I don't hate it, but it's more of a job to me. Sometimes, and sometimes. I'll get the job done. I don't think you need to be that fully passionate about it. You do you.
  • 3
    @nitnip Seeing it as just a job is fine. I don’t mean that you should be doing it in your free time as well.

    Since devs jobs aren’t payed very well in general, you’d be better off doing something else that pays better and/or you can enjoy.
  • 1
    Crap. I just posted something similar, just to find you did it better. 😅
  • 1
    @nitnip passion is a buzzword.

    but there is such a thing as buzzkills.

    worked with a few that hated that they had to work--the sort of hatred that terrorists and maniacs sometimes display, just absolute vitriol.

    I have no idea how anyone can work a job where they scream for two or more hours straight.
  • 1
    To be a pianist, a quite important requirement is to have arms.
    If you fulfill this requirement, it doesn’t automatically make you a good pianist though.

    Same with my list.
  • 0
    Ah yes Lensflare the wise defines what a real dev © is.

    Fuck the gatekeepers.
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