Oh drant !!

Accidently typed sl and a train went across my screen .......

  • 1
    relatable ^^
  • 4
    lmao that moment when i literally laughed when i typed something that made the train different and have "help! help!" on it
  • 1
    The face of me when I had caps on and typed ls for the first time... I lold hard and for a long time. 😂 😂 😂
  • 5
    If anyone's confused as to why:
    ls backwards -> sl -> steam locomotive
  • 7
    @alcamore Thanks captain, heres a ticket for a ride! [ ¢ ]
  • 1
    I kept this thing in my bashrc..It was fun for a while after which it became a major annoyance..
  • 1
    @aEEEdev that is half the fun of it
  • 3
    It's your past self trolling your present self
  • 0
    Elementary os ?
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