  • 3
    so nano, then?
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    @legionfrontier for now yes, but I prefer hjkl for navigation, and I would like to implement at least insert and normal mode, although that will be later.
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    @legionfrontier that would be a better version of vim lol
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    @ScribeOfGoD thus the reason of why "a text editor, not bloated as fuck that is just works and is simple" ... so Nano then
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  • 5
    I've made a CLI text editor, was actually kind of boring to make, but definitely fun to use!

    Friend: Hey, what text editor is that?
    Me: My own 😎

    Not modest, but definitely fun to say.
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    @coolq man that's a pretty cool thing to say, like make your own tools, just for fun. And yes, handling terminal escaping characters, inserting and deleting characters, handling tabs etc is pretty boring and tedious, but the end result is gratifying :)
  • 3
    @leolas95 Thanks! I've often dreamed about just switching on my PC, and booting into my own distro. And having my own web browser and terminal with my own text editor...

    I know it would be kind of impractical.. But come on! That one be so awesome.
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