
I have noticed on here, there is a direct correlation between the number of swear words in a post and that posts ++ count. As a programmer who doesn't swear (I know, "just give it a few years" or "YOUR NOT A REAL PROGRAMMER!!" [side note, I also don't drink coffee]), I guess my ++ counter will only ever be allocated 1 byte...

  • 3
    I hate coffee with a passion. 🤷
  • 8
    @jhh2450 Now I hate you with a passion 😘
  • 3
    ++ for that alloc joke
  • 5
    I don't believe a fucking word of it.
  • 0
    large ammounts of caffine do actually cause you to be more irritable, especially if you aren't using all of that caffine vy excersising
  • 3
    @emunreas no, it's no. It's like you are telling me that emacs is an acceptable substitute for vim.
    E: Just in case /s or not...
  • 2
    "give it a few years"/"not a real programmer" -- on the contrary, _you_ are the one who is mature and knows how to behave properly.
  • 3
    I don't understand this 'not swearing' idea. Why would you arbitrarily remove a portion of your vocabulary? Why don't we go ahead and ditch using adjectives while we're at it? Maybe there's some other words we should stop using? (I find the word 'bus' particularly obnoxious.)

    Using words that succinctly, accurately and sometimes humorously convey an emotional response or imply sarcasm or ridicule seems downright sensible to me. Not doing so is fucking ridiculous.
  • 1
    What the fuck is fucking wrong with you?
  • 0
    @DeadInside to trigger an emotional response you have to use the words in moderation; they will lose their meaning if you use them all the fucking time. When people constantly write fuck cunt ball flaps in their code comments, commit messages and conversions, there's no sensibility left.
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