
Dear Websites,

If I have to go through a fucking slideshow or even multiple pages to see your content, I won't be on your site for more than 5 seconds.


  • 5
    Indeed. I hate when websites do this.
  • 7
    Although I suspect most internet consumers are easy marks for this design, otherwise it wouldn't be so popular. Additionally, it means you can get more hits on the ads you're serving. Easy way to milk the dummies, as usual
  • 4
    I'm a bit lenient when it's a list that's in slideshow form, especially one I'm interested in.

    But just breaking a story up in slideshow form is a cunt move. And these sites can fuck themselves in the ass with a rusted fork.
  • 4
    But that sweet sweet ad revenue on each new page tho
  • 3
    Naaah 3 popups each with fake close button, ad from top and bottom, slideshow with ads and black overlay with some quote of the day.
  • 0
    *laughs in advance revenue*
  • 2
    @lubwn that's what Forbes is like
  • 0
    First site I got reminded of: CHIP.de – full of slideshows and "your download will start in 5…", and roughly 60% of screen space is advertisement.
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