
I got a PDF job description from a recruiter which has an invisible paragraph

> How to Apply
> Please send CV to opportunities@acme.com referring to the Integration Developer role.

acme being stand-in for the employer of course (_not_ the recruiter)

What does this even mean?

  • 6
    They just want the coverage recruiters provide without paying them comission.
  • 0
    Unfair to unfairpeople is ok for me.
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    @horus haha, never
  • 5
    I wouldn't mind if recruitment as an industry died, but only if it happened because their ineptitude put their clients at a disadvantage and not through cheating,

    I'm generally not one to wait for the invisible hand of the market to fix issues but this is a problem that can absolutely be fixed without endorsing unfair methods.
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    @lorentz A recruiter recently sent me a foodie she was sharing with her bestie and that I also don't should forget to eat! Like @fullstackcircus said, it's the end of times.

    I can't imagine that a recruiter actually raise your changes to get you hired. Out of nowhere it costs a few thousands to hire you extra what normally is not the case. But companies VERY desperate often.

    Recruiters are many times people quite educated in some bullshit gender study, couldn't find work and tadaaa: you become recruiter looking for a CSS backend engineer
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    @retoor had me at CSS back-end engineer. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @fullstackcircus should work as a recruiter and keep the best jobs for himself.
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