When I'm coding, I often come up with some cool algos and when I do, I feel pretty good.
But the next second, I get this feeling that I know there are a million other people in the world who have solved the same problem with the same or better algorithm and I feel like shit. Like all the work I put in is somehow redundant.

Like finding answers on StackOverflow... When you do, you know the person who answered has already done it. You're just repeating it. But again, the fact that I'm looking for answers from other people in the first place is ....

I don't know. I guess I need to change the way I code from now on....

  • 4
    Stop comparing yourself to other people! But if you feel the need to do so, think of how many people who would NOT be able to solve the problems you solve!
  • 2
    It's okay. Being able to come up with cool algos by yourself is a great achievement already. I can't even do that often.
  • 3
    Dude don't be depressed, you're awesome.
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