
The fact that I was just able to unplug my phone because it was fully charged and just swap the cable to my Chromebook just makes me way too excited for the future of tech peripherals!

(Yes I love USB-C and Bluetooth and am one of those people who are happy and excited to see the headphone jack die)

  • 1
    @GodHatesMe Why's that?
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe haha all good
  • 7
    Everything except the headphone jack.

    Dongles are no solution for that.
    If you get 2 usb C ports then maybe!

    And wireless headphones aren't an option for me.
  • 11
    Why can't we have USB-C and headphone jack at the same time? It's a false dilemma created by Apple.
  • 0
    @RageBone I'm in the middle with that, 2 USB-C ports would be amazing!
    But once headphones do start migrating to USB-C more, I think people will wonder what the massive backlash about it all was for
  • 0
    @620hun why does everyone blame apple when they were like the 8th company to do it?
  • 3
    @BigMacca101 because sadly Apple is still the trendsetter
  • 2
    @620hun ehhh, true I guess, I just hate the way apple did it by replacing a standard with a non standard, lightning is used on iPhone and that's it, USB-C is on laptop, tablet, phone, etc, it's a standard
  • 1
    @BigMacca101 Yeah, that's just simply stupid, something that Steve Jobs would've never let happen. You can connect a Pixel to your Mac but not the iPhone. Wtf.
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    @620hun it's the main reason I'm happy to have headphone jacks be replaced with USB-C, I can see the back lash with the iPhone
  • 3
    @BigMacca101 that's my problem. The headphone jack is a widespread standard, and it worked just fine. Now the market is fragmented: headphone jack, USB-C, Lightnining.
  • 2
    I love USB C but I think it may just end up confusing more users and creating a lot of problems.
    You'll end up with people connecting two things that never should and complaining it doesn't work. And a lot of crappy non standard cables cause compatibility issues.
    Not to mention the increased circuit complexity.

    It's handy and simpler both from an usability and technical point of view to have different connectors for different kinds of data (storage devices, video, audio, network, etc)
  • 1
    I'd like Bluetooth too if it wouldn't need 5-8 unsuccessful tries to connect to my car's Bluetooth
  • 0
    People used to be able to plug their PS/2 mouse on the PS/2 keyboard port, and things wouldn't work. It made sense to group "peripherals" into the same port type (USB) in this case.

    But you wouldn't want to be able to plug your motherboard power cables in the wrong slots like you could with the first PC power connectors.

    Either say "it doesn't matter where you plug it in" or "you can't go wrong because it only fits in one place". One day we might be able to say both, I guess.
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