I'd like to tell a story about a friend I once knew. She was good at her job, but only her job. People loved her so much, but when the people got interested in things other than her job, they took her with them. She was forced to do things she couldn't do as well, and all because people couldn't change. She feels overused, overworked, and she still tries to keep her head up. People need to stop using her.


  • 14
    She was also ugly as shit and totally incoherent every time she opened her bloody mouth
  • 7
    Also she clearly couldnt grasp the concept of not mixing numbers with characters
  • 6
    "Good at her job" is a rather liberal use of the term. I think "Perhaps sufficient" might be more fitting.
  • 3
    So use PHP instead right? :p
  • 2
    That's MEAN!
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