
Need help. I feel so fucking retarded Everytime I use Node/NPM for any development. I'm on Win10, which may be part of it, but every tut I find is not straight forward. Errors here and there. What's the best way to learn and keep up with Node/Npm and this flavor of the week (for me) Angular? Trying to create a PoC PWA. The struggle is real. Thanks in advance for any tips.

  • 1
    Are you getting errors or warnings? You shouldn't have to worry about warnings.

    You should also use angular cli- it makes things a lot simpler.
  • 0
    Understood. I've got the cli installed. This is just the 12th or so error that I've run into since 5a this morning, so it's just a bit frustrating.
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    Not exactly related to Angular, but I've before had problems compiling node packages or actually anything on Windows. It's pain in the ass to have to google error messages each time to figure out what dependencies I'm missing. Not a problem since moved to Linux.
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    That's kind of what I've been sensing too. Might have to spin up a Linux development environment to make this easier (which may come with its own challenges, for me).
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    What npm package are you using...? Looks like angular 2 doesn't know know about typings library... Check if the version you are using is current or you have to go back a few
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    Try Bash on Windows 10.
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    Thanks for the suggestions @badpointer and @osmarks. I'll report back. I'm pretty sure I did run install with @latest, so going back a couple versions makes sense. Thanks again!
  • 1
    It looks like your app is looking for some angular material packages that you may not have installed.
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