I'm actually excited for this school year, since now I'm taking my programming class. (I'm taking HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

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    Good luck :)
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    HTML is simple. CSS is simple. Javascript is, well, not so easy these days (nodejs, angular, meteor,...).

    Good luck to you.
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    @theScientist Exactly. Whether it's CSS or HTML: both are easy to learn, but getting useful results is a different story, especially when JavaScript and some frameworks come into the game.
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    @tracktraps css is only as good as you make it.
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    HTML and CSS aren't programming language... Never say that to anyone,i learned the hard way 😂 Good luck
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    @TRex Well, you're right, of course. A more appropriate term would probably be "markup languages".
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    @TRex The class is still called programming. We'll be using Notepad++ and Brackets later in the school year.
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