
Why people think that Mac is better than pc? Im Mac user and I like Mac. I think Apple just uses better hardware and charges extra for it. If you build windows with better hardware then windows will work really fast too. On Mac gradle build takes really less time because of SSD it does not mean Mac is faster. Get SSD for windows and see the difference yourself.
- P.S. Not hater of any OS.

  • 0
    I just want to say that window environment takes 1.5Gb on Window 10. Don't know about Mac OS though
  • 0
    @dontbeevil well my Gentoo takes less than 200mb of my ram. So 1.5Gb, it's kinda huge to me xD
  • 1
    @dontbeevil yeah System directory on Windows is at least 20Gb xP
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    A Mac these days is just the same guts as a windows PC in a nice shell and your paying at least $500-$1000 more for the same specs vs a windows pc
  • 2
    What people forget or don't know is that Apple owns both the hardware and the software of their machines and can therefore adjust them accordingly. Windows is written to support all kind of hardware while OS X is written for a specific hardware. Hence all BSOD using Windows and never any using OS X (my experience over the last 20 years of computing).

    So saying "You get faster computer because better specs with windows" is not really true, you can't compare them 1:1.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Good for you, sounds like we had the opposite experience using Windows and OS X
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