
PornHub insights

  • 10
    Sooooo... Mac users watch less porn or are there less Mac users?

  • 2
    Oh shied.
    *Le me exposed
  • 11
    @RickDiculous179 we're all too busy bragging about our $2000 laptops. WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR PORN
  • 7
    @VirtualProtect hey I have one too but there's always time for porn 😄😄😄
  • 9
    Linux users, those are rookies number. You gotta pump these numbers up.
  • 2
    Windows, Mac, Linux and "other"? What is that other?
  • 2
    @IsDev Android, iOS
  • 0
    A normalized stat based on how much porn an average Linux user watches wrt the users of other operating systems would be fun.
  • 0
    You know, every time I see of those posts I think I really would enjoy working for that company.

    Then I remember they use php.
  • 2
    @theGOD those are mobile OS (and there is the second diagram for that)
  • 2
    Yeah, it clearly differentiates mobile. So I guess a lot less people are using their sun sparc stations for porn these days.
  • 0
    @IsDev Since they differentiate mobile and desktop, and they specifically put a desktop icon, my money is on chromebooks and such. They wouldn't show a desktop icon and have mobile in the graph.
  • 4
    Mac users watch less porn because they have money for hookers.
  • 1
    Mac users watch less porn because they have to work to rebuild their income. Watching is just when they have a small break
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