
React's useMemo, useCallback are just sad attempts at patching up a bad reactivity model. We should seriously move on from this hot pile of garbage.

  • 0
    To what?
  • 2
    All web development is torture.

    Developer tools in chrome now look like the dashboard of a 747.

    We are going down!

    We are going down!

    Mayday Mayday!
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    I use React Native for mobile development.

    I am capable of using Java/Kotlin but I find them ugly and unpleasant to use.

    I could learn Apple's pile of languages, but I will literally never use them anywhere else, nor would I be able to because I only have a Mac for work.

    Even if I did like those languages, having to write the same exact app twice is not something I want to do. And since I'm the sole dev here, my company can't afford for me to be working on just one thing for 6 months while I do it.

    That leaves me with JavaScript. It's looks and behaves enough like the C/C++/C# that it makes the most sense when I read and write in it. And modern JS is actually mostly pleasant to work with. React native has quirks that you will have to work with, but it gets the job done well enough.

    I considered Xamarin, or whatever it is called now, but the interface language was clunky the last time I looked at it, so I passed.

    If only there was a Python mobile dev framework.
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    JS is a bad fit for reactive programming but I don't see how it could be done better than React does it.
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