As a 17 year old iOS Developer it is hard to find iOS jobs. I found one and 8 months after working here their funding is low and they can’t afford for me to work anymore and are cutting my hours😤

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    Maybe just me but when started as designer i accepted lower paying jobs because of learning the experience was more worth to me. But it is a slippery slope cause now it is hard to estimate my actual worth
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    Shouldn't you be doing highschool? I mean coding is cool and all but skipping highschool closes a shit ton of doors for you down the line. It could be fine as long as youre a Dev but what if you want to switch professions at any point? That isn't unheard of.

    Stay in school, work as a developer once that's done
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    @Froot I am still in high school😂 I’m doing both. I just got accepted into U of A and majoring in computer science. But making money is nice too
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    @alexmrabin What's U of A?
    Anyway, glad you're not skipping school for work
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    @Froot University of Arizona and thanks haha
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    @penderis I still do the same. I think I'll always value growth over money. Money is a short term solution, you'll get used to it.
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    @Froot at a point the money needs to match your worth if it does not you are under valuing yourself which is bad
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    @penderis Here I disagree. There's the money and then there's growth. If I don't earn that much on the job but do earn enough to get by and grow a ton then it's ok because my next job will pay way higher due to these new skills. Probablly still below the market average because I choose high growth jobs but still higher.

    High paying low growth jobs make you plateau on your career real fast. I'm not into working at the same place for 20y doing the same shit for good money. I want growth
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    @Froot what you point out is more based on freelance vs permanent employment. With freelance you can play the game but permanent you want to get a good basic which has to plato at some point so you are assured for a term.
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