
Ok peeps, this is it!

I have completed my contribution to community projects! Wanted to share with you guys...

I was so impressed/inspired with @ChappIO 's www.jsRant.com project that I wanted to create something similar.

So I created an XML stylized stream of rants, in dark theme.

It also reflects how I feel as software developer with my current knowledge - kinda derelict old school!

The underlying tech is Asp.net core 1.1, using my own .net core API wrapper.

So, here it is:

  • 6
    I'm proud of you :)
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    and it comes in a dark theme :')
  • 2
    There is something wrong with new lines while browsing with Firefox https://prnt.sc/ghte0z
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    @paziek So it begins! :D
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    Nice!! I am currently developing a generic XML parser so I now have some interesting content to test with! Thanks!
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    @paziek hi there, mate, the spacing should look better now in FF!
  • 1
    Dam it links sexy! Nice work ☺
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    @jegsr @gitpush @gitpull thanks guys!! Any comments are welcome - it's all for the community to use... :)
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    @olezhka Thanks, it does seem to be fixed. I'm curious how did you manage it? I was checking with inspector and it didn't show any padding, margins or otherwise that would indicate any padding/new lines. I remember that Firefox had some weird take on new line, treating it as separate DOM nodes or sth like that.

    I have also noticed that initially those new lines are still present, but soon after they are gone, so I'm assuming you are deleting something? Maybe those new lines in HTML source?

    God, I'm so happy I don't do frontend anymore. :D
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    @paziek Haha I feel you. :D
    Well it's a weird combination of indented span and div elements coupled with PrismJS highlighting code... after PrismJS did its thing those spacings appeared, which were empty spans which had height > 0 for some reason.

    Anyways those spans appeared as a result of PrismJS transformation and were actually in place of original DIV elements (so, my initial divs got transformed to spans)

    In the moment of desperation I changed my initial divs to spans and this went away.

    Voodoo, I tells ya.
  • 1
    Nice! I like the theme :D
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    @ChappIO thank you sir! ^_^ hope I did not do wrong for the jsRant name :D
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    @olezhka oh not at all! Jsrant has no other purpose to just be a funny tool for the community. You own it just as much as I do.
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    @ChappIO same thinking with mine, too... Was good to make smth devRant related
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