
Just because it's popular, doesn't mean it's good.

An overengineered solution can usually be simplified without breaking anything important. An oversimplified solution can rarely be upgraded without major breaking changes.

Not everything needs to follow the "best practices" - if it's not a part of the core functionality, diminishing returns often kick in quite fast.

  • 4
    I do see what you're saying, i worked in a team once where everyone fought over the smallest things, like naming variables, how many params a function should have and so on.

    I asked them to explain why there are so many errors in Sentry, even though we nitpick the hell out of our code.

    I'm telling you, you can't produce a silence like that even in deep space.
  • 2

    "If yOu tHinK thAt JavAscRipt iS so bAd, hoW do yoU eXplaiN iTs poPulaRity?"
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