This is high speed fiber optics internet everyone, the woman I called told me that the connection was pretty good, wtf kill me

  • 5
    Dude that's the highest I've ever had.
  • 1
    It looks like Italy's internet speed
  • 2
    Here in Malta is good for 30€
  • 1
    The fuck? That's a great connection. There's people without internet, stop complaining how your webpages take a second longer to load and your video streams are in slightly worse quality.
  • 1
    Not sure how I managed it but I get 100 down/60 up on my (supposedly 100 down/10 up) copper line from KPN :3
  • 2
    The irony of @calmyourtities getting triggered about something.
  • 1
    I am complaining because I don't have what I should have.
    So yeah I know, there are people with worst or no connection but you missed the point.
  • 1
    That's what I am talking about
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