I just can't stress enough how fascinated I am by biology and biochemistry.

I mean, we, who call ourselves engineers, are no more but a gang of toddlers having a blast with jumbo legos on Aunt Lucy's dining room carpet on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Our solutions using "modern tools" and "modern engineering" are mere attempts to *very* remotely mimic what beautiful and elegant solutions are around us and inside of each of us.

IC/EC engines, solar batteries, computers and quantum computers, spaceships and ISSes, AI/ML, ... What are they? just the means to leverage what's been created all around us to create something that either entertains us, encourages our laziness or helps us to look at the other absolutely fascinating engineering solutions surrounding us so we could try and "replicate" their working principles to further embrace our laziness and entertain us.

Just look at the humble muscle - a myofibril made out of actin and myosin. The design is soooo simple and spot on, so elegant and efficient, the "battery" and signalling system are so universal and efficient.

Look at all those engineering miracles, small and big. Look how they work, how they leverage both big and small to create holistic, simplistic and absolutely efficient mechanisms. And then come back to me, and tell me again that all these brilliant solutions came out of nothing just by an accident we call "evolution".

How blinded by our narcissism are we to claim that there can't be a grand designer of any kind, that there's nothing smarter than us and that the next best thing than us is an incomprehensible series of accidental mutations over an unimaginable amount of time?

I mean.. could it be that someone/something greater than us created us and everything around us? naaaah.. we are the crown jewel of this universe. Everything else must be either magic or an accident. /s

Don't read this as yet another crazy-about-God person's ramblings. I'm not into religion fwiw. But science has taught me enough critical thinking to question its merit. Look at it all as engineers. Which is more probable: that everything around us happened by an accident or that someone/something preceding us had a say in the design?

  • 6
    How high are you?
  • 5
    Everything makes too much sense for being all a big coincidence. I'm not religious either but was for a period. Thinking everything that happens, happens for a reason. I was so relaxed back then.

    But yeah, life is too beautiful to be a coincidence. Everything is a miracle
  • 2
    @Sid2006 not at all. It's not the first year I'm admiring the engineering of nature: big and small.
  • 2
    But who created that creator?
  • 1
    @nanobot one miracle to rule them all
  • 1
    Maybe we are the creators.

    Maybe time is a circle, not a straight line with branches as Marvel tells us.

    Maybe we evolve, and one human becomes skilled enough to create universes and see through time. But (s)he realizes that the only immediate thing that (s)he needs to do is to destroy the then universe with a big collapse - otherwise the molecules are spread too far apart to sustain anything - entropy is too uniform.

    So, (s)he collects all strength, energy and wit, and initiates a process that makes the universe start to shrink. The world as they know dies.

    During the big collapse, some particles miss hitting each other, pass in the other direction, and keep moving, making things seem like a Big Bang to the residents of the "new" universe.

    The notion of time starts and ends (and starts again) at that point.
  • 3
    @nanobot that's a good question, ay?
    Could it be that the creator has been living among us all the time? One of us? In a closed self-sustaining loop of space and time?
    Could it be that "creation" per se does not even exist? Could it be that there's only transitions from some form of energy/shape/matter to another?
    Could it be that we ourselves have created us? How do you think that would work?
    Could it be that our universe "exists" in the way we understand it, but that "existance" is not the only form of being? Could it be our ability to observe, perceive and understand is severely limited by the humble variety of existing concepts we see in our surroundings?

    Could it be we can't even begin to understand the elegance and beauty of the core concepts and how/why is your question moot?
  • 3
    My point is: just enjoy the fucking ride while you're here. Look how beautiful it is all around us [outside of human creations, like cities]

    have a blast while you can
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  • 3
    Evolution is certainly not an "accident" which happened by chance.
    It’s true that evolution doesn’t have a target state. It’s driven by randomness, but don’t forget the selection part and the unimaginable large time scales. That’s important.

    And just because we refuse to believe in a great designer, doesn’t mean that we see ourselves as the the greatest and most intelligent beings.
  • 1
    @Lensflare we see ourselves as the greatest and most intelligent. Everything not us - is an animal. We want to fight climate change because we think thats the best for the world (for us). We play for gods
  • 2
    @Lensflare not an accident? Then how would you call the arrangement of the first 2746+ atoms in the primorial soup to create a perfect predecessor of what we now know as dna, rna and polymerase that as it happens can read the sequence perfectly and create a nearly perfect complementary copy of the initial chain? An intent?
    Also, equally competent enzymes capable to read rna and convert into other enzymes creating a self-sustained system capable to replicate itself, grow and self-regulate - that also wasn't an accident?

    I believe this is part of the evo theory
  • 1
    @netikras Sometimes it do be like that.
  • 3
    @Lensflare funny

    but fyi i'm not a biochemist, and never was.

    Just though the name was cool, when i was young and stupid and followed through with it 🤷
  • 2
    @retoor even if we do, it’s not because we don’t believe in a creator/designer. On the contrary, believers are those who think that humans are the pinnacle of creation and the center of the universe.
  • 0
    @netikras Yes, it’s evolution. It’s not an accident in the sense that suddenly all those atoms fell into place and just created everything. Those atoms evolved very slowly. But evolution has millions of years of time to do what it does. All kinds of random stuff happened. We are a very small fraction of the random stuff that happened. We are those who evolved to survive and pass on our genes. We are not random nor an accident. We are the product of evolution.
  • 2
    Regarding the possibility of a grand designer...

    I think maybe we tend to ascribe human-like intention to it, but still underestimate the power of complex, yet very efficient macro-level behavior emerging from very simple rules at a micro level of things

    Like, maybe that in itself is simple enough that it doesn't need human-like intention, birds don't need a collective will to form into a flock

    But of course if there is such a will, or a being like a grand designer, it would be of such a nature that our minds couldn't begin to comprehend it
  • 1
    @nururururu Right. Also, a grand designer doesn’t explain complexity or "us" as humans, or life, for that matter. It just moves the question one level up: How did such a complex designer came into existence?

    It’s one of the classic arguments against god, but is also perfectly applicable to any kind of designer and even to the simulation hypothesis.
  • 1
    @nururururu yupp.. it may as well be that we're running in a container and the concept of hardware [behind abstractions] is incomprehensible to us
  • 2
    Upvote if you're still reading this rant somewhere in August! Netikras was going hard that day. Very epic
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