It's 2017 and you're not allowed to complain about syntax error bugs. Get a proper tool for the job.

We don't use rocks for hammers, and we don't use notepad for coding

  • 7
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    Yeah use notepad++ it's way more advanced, you damn neanderthals!
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    Not all languages are compiled. #DynamicLanguagesMatter
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    Try out some javascript
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    @devios1 true, but code analysis can still be done before running, saving you from the runtime errors
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    @randomCoder IDEs and code editors can pick up typos for you. Or you could use a linter
  • 8
    I'll complain about whatever I want to complain about whenever the fuck I want!
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    Yes please, I hate how some of my coworkers refuse to use proper tools, and as a result they commit typos and syntax errors that an IDE would've easily caught
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    To be fair I use notepad a lot.
    Even though I love SublimeText and use it daily I still use notepad a lot.

    But I do agree with the rant.
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    @randomCoder try jslint or strict mode on
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    Well some of us do use notepad but its notepad++ so no syntax error here.
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    @Lvh1 that's why we have pre-commit hooks and continuous integration!
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    or use your brain
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    Ahhh remembering the words of my boss as i took in a position at his dev company:

    "What i like about asp is that you can open notepad, config something and it works!"

    I smiled, nodded politely and gulped down on my beer feeling weird about my career decissions.

    True story, the team is still fascinated at me using Sublime at work. I cry to sleep sometimes.
  • 2
    There are very few languages that cannot be parsed statically. Don't use them.
    Javascript can be parsed statically.
    Technically, C++ cannot, but in practice it can. Same goes for C macros - don't use obscure macros.
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