tired of my tor browser not letting me do my job (still configuring settings, but it's taking too long and i'm getting tired of it), and chrome doesn't show my mouse pointer (which works everywhere else on my machine).

Time to go back to firefox. downloading nightly this time, though. thoughts on it? any default settings I should change for security or to make it better in general?

  • 1
    Although this will also be published on the privacy site, could give you some privacy add-on recommendations if you'd like?
  • 0
    @linuxxx yes please!!!! Only if you have the time. I can trial-and-error it if I need to
  • 0
    What wrong with Tor browser?
  • 6
    PrivacyBadger (open source alternative for Ghostery)
    uBlock Origin
    Cookie Self destruct (something like that, it can fuck with logins though)
    I'll get back to you with some more because I don't remember them all xD
  • 0
    That chrome thing is weird. I've had it happen to me once in a great while, you just have to restart chrome to fix it. At least, that's what worked for me.
  • 0
    I recommend noscript but am open to someone telling me why I shouldn't.
  • 4
    Profile/user agent spoofer (or something like that?)
    Canvast Fingerprint Blocker
    Some webrtc disabling addon (when on VPN, webrtc connections still go over the normal network in tbe browser. so websites can easily figure out your ip address through setting those fucking connections up silently. By blocking those connections, they can't anymoreee!)
  • 0
    @skprog I've used noscript on tor, and i like it fairly well once I figure out the balance I need.
  • 0
    @Linux It's currently taking me forever to find the balance between being able to do the things i want but still staying safe. I just want someone for while i find that balance
  • 1
    @linuxxx will look into. Thank you! <3
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana Most welcome! ❤
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