When someone asks you what programming language they should learn, don't tell them the one you prefer.

Instead, ask them what area they plan to focus on, like,

Web frontend: javascript
Web backend: javascript
Mobile apps: javascript
Games: javascript
AI: javascript

  • 6
    I'd switch that for TypeScript~
  • 2
    Funny thing is learning Javascript just makes you a native speaker… You still need to learn to speak at least one javascript accent to be relevant.
    For me I speak vue and I can only work on frontend.
  • 0
    Same is with Python...
  • 0
    like I hate React and still tell aspiring frontend devs they should learn it.
  • 2
    Oohh that's a great idea. I'm going to start doing this to people I can't stand.
  • 2
    It’s like someone asks what car they should use to learn driving and you recommend a tricycle with rockets attached with tape.
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