So I am only 15 and I am trying to find local businesses that will allow me to either build them a website or let me redo their current website.

Doesnt sound thay complicated right? I have gotten to do it once, for a laid back coffee shop owner whos business went out of business a day after i emailed him about it being done. I mean how the hell does that even happen!

I have tried different types of emails and shown all of my work, which it is all good sites that look professional. Issue is alot of people dont trust email offers or dont trust me cause im 15. I am not much of a person who can walk into a store and talk to the owner about it, i am not social in that aspect.

So anyone have any ideas?

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    Just do freelance work for whoever is paying, regardless of if they're local or not.
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    @jhh2450 Know of a good place that could help me get more business?
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    @Schlarman So, a couple things. First of all, don't get discouraged about not getting hired. Contribute to whatever open source projects you can, answer stack overflow questions, and/or write pens on code pen. Then, offer whatever help you can to the kind of place you want to work. Even if that means cleaning or delivering furniture or whatever. Let the company know that you love creating websites. Offer to do it in your spare time or to be paid on completion. Proving yourself before they front some cash will help establish trust up front, you're accepting the risk rather than the business. Once you've done that and you've done done work for the first company, you've got a solid reference and real world experience under your belt. Hope this helps, and good luck!
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    I'm afraid you have to offer your services physically!!! Just try it 3 times then you can give on the physical offers. Most people are still not into the digital culture yet!

    (I hate making calls, why can't people just whatsapp it!!!!)
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    What @someviolinist said. And also design your own personal website as a proof of your abilities, and don't try getting it perfect the first time. Your choice of design will change and improve with time.
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