
me: hey dad i finally installed linux on my laptop
dad: whats that? nvm, what i want u to do is set up a server for emails
me: *slowly backs out*

dad doesnt acknowledge the fact that im diving into linux :(

  • 2
    My dad didn't care that I went into programming either, when I was a little kid. 'That's just another shortterm hobby of yours'.
    Now he has to acknowledge it, since I do it fulltime and am succesful.

    I would recommend to you, to see it as a challenge and do it anyway if you like what you are doing.
  • 6
    unsupported children become great legends
  • 1
    @nickj I don't know about legends, but I'm doing good for myself. And I hope for you, that you don't let yourself demotivated because of your dad.
  • 1
    @nickj In that case, fuck me sideways!
  • 3
    When I saw nvm, I immediately thought of node managing tool. Took me a while to understand the real meaning.
  • 4
    @kp15 i realized its actually easier to use the terminal on linux than on windows like for example, the first programming language i learnt is C, which needs gcc. for windows, i have to download installer and shit but with linux, one command and boom: installed

    im starting to like it
  • 1
    @Photon156 unless he wants a windows based server :/
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