I am creating a new android app and I am also a web developer and i know that links are also set to be opened in new tabs and whenever this action will happen, my browser might get stuck or might call intent service.I want to get the links which it wants to open in new tab and whenever this happens I can programm my browser to handle this event.

  • 4
  • 1
    Mmm.. Yeah... You go do that...
  • 0
    So... What you wrote is not easy to understand, but I can get two scenarios that match the key words you use:
    * You have a WebView on your app and you want your app to open any link that the user can touch on the pages on that WebView --> research WebViewClient and shouldOverrideUrlLoading
    * You have a website and you want some of the links to it to be opened by your app --> research intent-filter data
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