
When the lecture professor doesn't like JavaScript and has to show 'wat' 😂

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    What is wat?
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    @TerriToniAX google it ;)
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    @TerriToniAX Find it on DestroyAllSoftware
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    @Worldyn I did (or actually binged) of course, but to no avail.
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    @CraftedCart Still donät get what the word "wat" stands for. Great video though :)
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    @TerriToniAX "Wat" as in "What? That's really weird"
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    @CraftedCart Dutch { wat = what}
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    @maykdev My grand grand grand dad was reportedly of Dutch/German origin. Too bad, language is not inherited. The only word in Dutch I can come to think of is "klant" (client/customer) because in Swedish "klant" means a clumsy person :D
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    I just watched it 20 mins ago at the company 😂😂
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    Honestly, I really dislike when lectures have this attitude and try to impose their eschewed views on their students, especially on higher learning institutions.
    As lectures, they should demonstrate the pros and cons, their personal view should come as personal view and nothing more.
    It would be better if they had projects working with JS (or anything for that matter), so students would have hands on experience and see whether they like it or not.

    That's my personal 2 cents.
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    @Qaldim I agree. Fortunately even though he doesn't like weak typed languages he still tells us pros and cons of languages with different type handling :)
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    @Qaldim I agree. Fortunately even though he doesn't like weak typed languages he still tells us pros and cons of languages with different type handling :)
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    @Worldyn You got a double comment!!! 😎
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    @Qaldim this must mean something 😮
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