what do you when people below you start flexing in front of you and they are your colleagues or people whom you can't completely avoid
They just boil my blood tbh cause i choose not to flex back and destroy their self esteem tho i am clearly way ahead

  • 4
    I have never believed in corporate hierarchy. I don't see anyone as "below". They are either stupid or not stupid. Doesn't matter what position they have.

    About that flexing, if they are "below" you then they know it too, and are probably trying to make up for it. Just be secure about yourself.
  • 0
    Start flexing is doing nothing or..?
  • 2
    @Sid2006 I didn't mean it in a corporate sense. By knowledge

    For eg: some stupid bloke in my team who uses the words java and javascript alternatively randomly flexes how he can center divs and gains cheers and spotlight while i write production code in typescript and don't tell a soul about it

    It's like they glorify their silly achievements and whatever god level shit you do is hidden on purpose in a way
  • 3
    @demonCoder You have to realize nobody owes you any praises be it any language you write code in.

    I'd recommend you stay out of flexing, because if you mess up in any way, it will take a massive hit on your reputation you'd created at that point.

    Focus of getting paid and thinking what you will do after your shift. Let fools flex their skills.
  • 2
    Ah, understood what is flexing now. I'm a major flexer - always talking about what I did. I even think my good salary has to do with it
  • 1
    Damn @retoor, how old are you,

    ayo fr fr no cap u bussing a boomer vibz rizzing up in this boii fr fr
  • 1
    @Sid2006 33 and kickin'
  • 1
    I'm flexing my skills in profile description now
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