"A real warrior never quits!"
--all vim users apparently.

  • 7
    Is that Kung Fu Panda? I can totally see Po and his fat little fingers struggling to :wq
  • 0
    @chadd17 you mean :x
  • 7
    I'm the only one here who thinks that it's easy to exit from Vim?
  • 5
  • 3
    @IsDev nope, vim is awesome. i use it every day to do all the stuff you mentioned and much much more. vim is actually my first choice when I'm editing a file especially when I'm coding in perl
  • 2
    Oh my god this "how to exit vi is so redundant"...
    Please, somebody, tell me I am not the only one who after hearing "modal text editor", proceeded to read the documentation back in 2011 instead of being an SO-twat
  • 0
    @nik123 I like vim but yes yanking was the struggle, got sure.
  • 3
    I like how people struggle to quit joking about quitting vim.
  • 3
    @Tvax he means command+W
  • 0
    There are few things I love in this world,
    1) matcha,
    2) espresso
    3) Ruby
    4) vim
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