After two empty boxes of Kleenex, I’m excited to announce that I won the battle with common cold.

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    You can win a battle against this everchanging foe - but never the war.
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    A big YMMV, a heavy saline nasal rinse works for me. Use a neti pot, squeeze bottle, whatever (NO TAP WATER, only use distilled water). The salt helps drain the sinuses, and has helped me with nearly eliminating congestion. Still may feel crappy, but at least I can breath and not blowing my nose every 5 seconds.
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    Wow I've never heard of someone out-wanking an illness before 👏👏💦💦
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    @MammaNeedHummus Yeah, I walked into this one, right.
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    @PaperTrail Nasal rinse only works when your nose is not dripping like a broken tap.
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    @MammaNeedHummus you made me spit my beer out with this comment, LMFAO damn you!
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    I am in this strange situation in which the common cold knocks me out like Tyson would.

    But the flu does absolutely fucking nothing to me, I only notice because others around me get sick. But the common cold? dat shit scares me.
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    @latisfeire Yes, and why I prefixed with YMMV. It works for me. I mix a strong saline rinse and upgraded my neti pot to a nasal squeeze bottle (so I could push the water thru any congestion). I do the thing, leave the water up there as long as I can, and let the salt do it's thing. After a few times and let things settle down, my nose barely runs and I'm not 100% congested.

    I've battled nasal issues most of my life (allergies), and when I get a cold, I feel bad for a day or two, but then a minimum of around 10 days of congestion+runny nose. Its like my body wakes up "Oh...we're sick SHIELDS UP! SHIELDS UP!". I've knocked that 10 days down to maybe what most normal people experience ( 2~3 days?).
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    @AleCx04 > "I am in this strange situation in which the common cold knocks me out like Tyson would."

    I'm in the same world. Flu only makes me feel a little tired, maybe achy, but a cold? Its 2~3 days of hell.

    My wife is the opposite. Nearly every time she's gotten the flu, its a couple of days in bed. Only time she knows she has a cold is when she can't stop blowing her nose (never really feels bad)
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