
I mostly now see shitposts of some "Funny" picture who DONT have to so with devRant at ALL!
Just COME ON! devRant is about devs Ranting about their Jobs, Bosses, and telling Dev Stories! Its not the new 9GAG where you Post picture with emoojis everywhere! THATS NOT EVEN THE POINT!
I joined devRant to read Rants and make my own... But... ITS FLOODED WITH SHITPOSTS!

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    I decrement them all. I accept meme images that are part of an actual rant. But that's all. I like rants and !rants related to a dev's life. Not memes and jokes from Reddit or 9gag.
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    May be we need a section for memes or jokes, since some of us really enjoy them. But I see what you mean and I understand that many people are here only for rants.
    Although you have to consider that this issue generates some nice rants as well. XD
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    @AdrianD, that could be a nice option.
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    The problem I see here are the images. Unoriginal images. The saying "picture is worth a thousand words" doesn't seem to apply here. Original text content is much more valuable than a meme and emojis.
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    @dfox time to make devMeme so we don't have that stuff here.
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    Sorry guys, this simply isn't based in reality. Last week, and trending, we had by far our lowest "meme" count ever and there were no memes or images in about the top 30 rants or so.

    I curate our weekly email every week. I had to scroll through pages to find a single image.

    Provide examples and statistics or otherwise it's just baseless whining.
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    And the "examples" provided above aren't any worse or different than content we've always had. One is off-topic, the others are frequent topics.

    I'm sorry, but it's just annoying, especially when in reality image posts have been trending the opposite way, statistically. I'm tired of people trying to dictate the content other people seem to like. Should they not be allowed to see any of it here?

    Fucking vote and move on with your life.
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    And we're adding rant types. Joke/meme will be a type.

    But that doesn't change the fact that some people get so insanely triggered that sometimes people post images they don't like. It's ridiculous IMO.
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    And @Mizz141 you're giving examples of posts you don't like, meanwhile, your last "rant" is literal spam. It doesn't get any more hypocritical than that, to be honest.
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