Is django worth learning? What's the best backend framework according to you to make great software

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    Yeah, if you already chose python. All jobs here are django. Sadly. It would be fun to work with some different framework. Django is so popular due it's orm. I like aiohttp a lot. Better structure than Django. Just ignore the async stuff
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    Imho fastapi.

    Mostly because it's lean and mean.

    Pydantic, httpx, starlette - great combo.
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    Django is fine. Fast in term of feature development but unfortunately kind of slower runtime. And using anything asynchronous might be a bit complicated.

    The only bright side is that despite being slow it's still ok for most of backend use case.

    PS: you can make it faster by disabling some built-in apps and middlewares
    And there are few lighter forks out there. But it's usually good imo
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    Very basic but efficient
    gin gonic for golang
    Express for node
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    @helnux yeah i agree on that one. django is okay, but tends to be on the slower side.
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    I remind myself of this when I start a new project:

    <i>Good devs</i> are what make good software. No amount of vendor code (i.e frameworks) can prevent bad devs and their shit decisions.
    Frameworks just help speed up *initial* development but cost you in maintenance and later development.

    So choose the tool wisely but remember that it is only what it is; a tool.

    The advice I've picked up so far:
    * How much "lock in" does this vendor framework cause you?
    * How shitty will that lock-in make updating/upgrading the framework?
    * Does it have a good community and is it likely to stick around for a while?
    * Did its previous major updates/feature additions made sense?
    * How toxic is the fanbase? Good peeps or blind "fanboys"?
    * What do those who use it hate about it?
    * How easy can you write tests in it?
    * Can it scale?
    * How many issues open in GitHub?
    * What architectural designs AND wider technologies does it prevent you from using?
    * Is it opensource?

    Happy huntin'! 🕸️🦋
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    I like php for backend services. For a micro framework on it (if I have to) I like Slim. Laravel is fine, but I have not worked on it professionally. At work we have Java applications in Spring (pre boot) and we also have ASP MVC based apps, we seldom touch those two tho, pretty solid.

    I am currently experimenting with Go. Pretty fkn solid if you ask me, but it requires a lot of manual labor if you don't use full featured frameworks, I keep it simple using its std lib as well as a couple of external modules here and there (such as Chi for the router and scs for the session services) and have gotten pretty far just using the standard html template lib. I am not going to lie I am finding it to be a joy. Other than that my number one option (sue me) is php.
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