
Oh Boy!! Just thought this is an app for tutorials and how too stuff.. now noticed it's better than reddit... Catched my self spending hours here and not doing my work xD

  • 5
    Welcome to this awesome place man!
  • 14
    It's full of tutorials on what not to do 😉
  • 2
    Marking as duplicate! :p

    Welcome to devRant :D
  • 3
    Did you even read the description? Are you one of the "This stupid thing doesn't work and makes no sense at all. Did you read the documentation? No" kind of people 😂
  • 2
    I ditched reddit as soon as I got devRant. It actually feels like a community instead of a cesspool of people proving how much better they are than everyone else.
  • 1
    Here you can ask whatever you want!
    Welcome to devRant and greetings from Argentina.
  • 0
    @Facundovcp technically he can't. But nice message.
  • 2
    Ps. welcome! Enjoy your stay. I look forward to hearing about your frustrations.

    (And if you ask for help like it's stack overflow, me and @Kimmax will personally debowel you... /S)
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    Since nobody did this so...
    Caught* 😁😂
  • 2
    @Electrux 😁 as a german my English isn't as good as for example the Dutch people's English.

    But it's nice that you correct it because like I already mentioned I'm german and I feel quit comfy with grammar-Nazis 😂😂😂😂
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    @ElBibao m no Nazi 😂😂 it's just a fun joke to me haha but nice that it has good impact on u... M not a native English speaker too 😂
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    @Dacexi 😅
    You're so right. Reddit is <redacted political rant>
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