
They recording what i'm typing ....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  • 21
    Personally I don't mind if it's just an algorithm that checks, stupidly, for said text and nicely informs you without doing any crap in the background (but knowing Google that's probably what they're doing... 😐)
  • 26
    It's really nice to have such a reminder..
    I can't even remember the countless emails I sent with the title '... and now with the attachment' (yes, I use this title). 🤣
  • 15
    Thunderbird also has this check, but I'm fairly certain Mozilla isn't tracking you
  • 8
    I can confirm Outlook also does this. Pretty standard nowadays
  • 3
    Useful reminder, I usually attach the file right before typing in the mail text, so I don't forget it
  • 2
    An email came in about a confirmation of an appointment, and it was automatically added to my calendar, it's great that it does that.

    But at the same time creepy.
  • 4
    I quite like that actually. If you find that creepy check out Google Now. You'll shit your pants when you see how much it knows about it :D I still don't mind it tho, it's useful stuff

    queue the prism trolls 🤣
  • 1
    @Froot The 1st time I looked at Google Now I had the same reaction 🤣🤣 but is occasionally useful so oh well...
  • 1
    @moortuvivens get a email about a bill with due date, automatically gets reminder.on phone and watch without even opening email.

    Or Microsoft giving you tracking details inside of Cortana from a package order on amazon
  • 2
    has anyone of you ever checked the terms and conditions on gmail oO
  • 1
    @vadimir it's Google so it would probably contain "we own you your data is ours"
  • 1
    @inpothet not realky. but the lst time i checked it clearly stated that they are going to scan every mail which goes through their servers.
    i mean this whole rant here is like cutting yourself up with a knife and then ranting that you cut yourself. kind of confusing
  • 1
    This is easy to do on the client side though.
  • 2
    @vadimir Yup and thats why I don't use Google's serviced like gmail etc :)
  • 2
    That notice has actually saved me from having to send a second email so many times.
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