
My friend: After a week of coding finally added 500 lines, now i have 1000,I'm so proud . How is your project going?

  • 44
    So, you don't optimize your code? ;-)
  • 28
    Are you coding Windows 17 or what? How the fuck do you get so many lines?
  • 20
    I have that much lines in every project. I just put 100 lines of nothing in between each line pfttt
  • 5
    And I felt guty when I reached 5k Lines in a Java-Class. Just because I already had hundreds of classes and didn't want to create a new package cause the 5k-Class contains about 15 subclasses and some enums.
  • 41
    holy shit its the new bible all in one file
  • 3
    @nickj Lool 😂😂
  • 52
    Plot twist: its minified.
  • 46
    You delete the file and a part of the universe disappears.
  • 3
    Refactoring is overrated anyway
  • 4
    $/line, why not?
  • 4
    Ya I'm interested what's the file size? What's the code do?
  • 2
    I think I got up to over 50k lines in an XSLT file once. Ball ache when changes are needed.
  • 3
    Just curious, even if this is a gigantic app that deserves this many lines, why all one file?
  • 3
    If this isn't generated, so help me God...
  • 15
    I too sometimes fall asleep on my enter key...
  • 22
    may need to oil that scrollbar for better performance :D
  • 5
    But the statusbar says "Line 1"
    How big is the screen?
  • 3
    i think the moral lesson here is that after the end, the fun begins...
  • 2
    @nickj that was damn savage 😂
  • 3
    I think you should ask your friend to teach you how to code 😉
  • 2
    No code file should have 380k lines. There's no excuse that justifies this abomination.
  • 4
    *proudly posts 34k lines of code*
    *gets roasted by every devRanter*
  • 0
    It was indeed brave to post that. Heretics are usually burnt alive.
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