
Only one day to convert my website design to wordpress template. Have no idea how to make animated submenus. Have never worked with wordpress. Fuck everything!

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    How did you get in this situation? 😂
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    @AlexDeLarge Well, the problem is that I don't really know how to retrieve them from wordpress as the idea is to have submenus to some kind of labels.
    Reading a ton of tutorials at the moment :/
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    @liammartens had to create a custom CMS (a really small one - basically just new pages addition + some google analytics) and a new style for my client. Turns out that I have spent too much time on front-end and now I have no idea how to generate the said menu by myself, so I thought that perhaps wordpress would be a good solution. Turns out it's not ;) Most likely I will dump the idea of using wordpress now :/
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    @Zyberg just use a headless cms such as directus
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    WordPress is shit.
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