Bro typescript is sooooooo gooood...
holy shit!
coming from a cpp/java background it feels like a fucking relief to know something like typescript exists and you dont have to blindly trust the dynamically typed crap

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    Until you find out that y the typescript Compiler doesn't understand a lot of type checks so have to tell it manually with as you are sure a var is of a certain type when you are certain.. until you aren't and have runtime type errors again.
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    I had to check because I thought I'm going crazy

    but cpp/java is *not* dynamically typed, it's statically typed.

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. Is this a joke I'm not getting?
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    I just was as exited as you are and meanwhile found out that typescript has it's limits and still is a thin layer upon dynamically typed js and not as robust as an actually statically typed language.
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    @horus literally brought this up in an interview. Which they didnt take well. Safe to say I stopped the process after this interview.
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    @Hazarth dynamically typed crap meant i was was reffering to JS and i said coming from cpp/java(which are strongly typed and static), typescript feels like a boon
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    Learn the merits of JavaScript and stop trying to bend it to being a pretend strongly typed language. It’s not C++, it’s not C#, it’s not Java.
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    Ah. I seem to have misunderstood.
    Typescript's only saving grace is typehinting. Which you can do with nodejs anyway nowadays. Typesafety means jack if you have to transpile to js.
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    It seems great, until you realise the types are just a poor bolt on that half the ecosystem doesn't even support.

    It's better than JS for sure, but doesn't come close to being at the same level as near enough anything else.
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    @demonCoder ah ok, I misread. Makes sense now
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    Typescript is just an icing on the cake, it got translated into javascript on the first thing; and it's not totally safe.

    I have used many languages throughout my career. Quick Basic, Turbo Pascal, Turbo C++, VB 6, VB.net, C#, Java, PHP, JS, and at last, Flutter/Dart.

    When it comes to JS/TS, I pick to stay with TS.

    Why force JS into becoming it's not meant to be? It was born as dynamically typed language, just like PHP. Let them live and die as dynamically typed language.

    As for excuses that strongly typed language increases developer's productity and reduces bugs, as someone who have used both extensively, I digress.
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