
devRant, I love you.

You suggested I learn Java & Nodejs. I decided to jump straight into node & it's just great. I haven't done much, just a mini blockchain and played with packages, but I'm having a lot of fun with node.

  • 7
    *coughs* try java *coughs* its verbosity makes me wet *who said that?*
  • 4
    Node > Java because electron ❤
  • 14
    @Dacexi yeah, I love slow apps on my i7 + ssd
  • 6
    I will try node some day. When i dont care about RAM. Yea i am talking about chromium based apps. They think they have some privilege to eat up resources on ma system. I am node happy!
  • 3
    @CristCD Its fast as hell for me!
  • 5
    @Dacexi Java > Node because Electron
  • 2
    @CristCD @sSam some apps are slow and some are fast. Look at vs code and atom. It's not about the platform, it's about the developers.
  • 1
    @Dacexi vs code is slow and atom is even slower. So what's your point?
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    @linuxxx Compared to a native app it isn't. I really don't like having an app that's rendering the same I could get in the browser. I need no app for that.
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    @CristCD No I said that it is very fast for me, not as an opinion but as a fact :)
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    @linuxxx It can be fast enough for you. But is unnecessarily slow compared to being native. I mean, why would you use electron? I really don't know a good ui framework for native apps, but it can't be worse than html+css right?
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    @CristCD Because writing cross platform software is easier this way and removes the barrier of making an app cross platform for a lot of devs. I'd rather have an electron app than a browsing tab for everything :)
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    @linuxxx Yeah, maybe the fact that anyone that knows how to put some sloppy js together can make a full program is one of the reasons I dislike electron. That and that any app that starts instantly has an electron cousin that takes a few seconds to open.
  • 1
    @CristCD again. Completely depends on the developer. devRantron starts up < 800ms on my 150$ laptop and runs perfect 60 fps.
  • 0
    @CristCD VSC is really fast, takes same time as notepad++ on my laptop (i7, SSD) and VSC has about 20 or so plugins installed

    Atom is a bit slower
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