Me: Hello, IT Support? I can't use your system because as I log in I can't bypass a form saying I must confirm my email. But I haven't received any confirmation email. Can you resend it?

Support: We can't resend it, you have to do that yourself. What's your email?

Me: it's <blahblah>.gmail.com

Support: have you checked Junk?

Me: I sure have!

Support: Then please restart your computer and the email should come

Me: ....................
Me: have a nice day

  • 14
    A typical IT Support staff in it's natural habitat
  • 1
    Fuck, I guess you rage quit the conversation. But then what?
  • 3
    @horus I didn't _rage_quit it. I just quit it.

    I have sent them an email explaining what's going on, hoping someone else would see it.

    They say it takes ~3 days for them to respond to emails.

    oh well.. I'm stuck either way. It's not really my job to educate their support on how emails are sent.
  • 15
    @netikras If the restart doesn’t help, please reinstall Windows.
    What do you mean, you don’t use Windows?
  • 3
    @Lensflare If reinstalling Windows doesn't work, consider buying a new laptop.

    If buying a new laptop doesn't work, consider buying a new house with wifi installed in it.

  • 2
    And then.. It worked!
  • 1
    I rage quit quite frequently such conversations. But it doesn't help.
  • 0
    You must have got the answering machine OP: https://m.youtube.com/watch/...
  • 0
    someone might have forgotten to check the logs on the mail relay for bounces of gmail.com addresses in recent history.

    Google pimped its security protocols regarding SPF records 'n stuff a while ago.
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