
"Use this great extension for your IDE!"

Yeah, thanks, now I have 57 extensions installed and not one of them is useful because my fucking IDE crashes every fifth minute.

  • 1
    What IDE are you using?
  • 0
    @mdalex Sadly a lot. Adobe Animate, Android Studio, Atom, Eclipse, Notepad++, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code.
  • 1
    @nnmrts you just encouraged me to install VS, I forgot how massive it is with a lot of plugins, 46GB:(
  • 0
    @nnmrts I'm sure my JetBrains is pretty massive too
  • 0
    @mdalex I don't understand how people can blow up their VS so much. Mine barely takes up 6GB (still big compared to other IDEs, that's true, but who cares about a program taking up that much space today?)
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