

*me trying to add one more field to a SQL request*
*asks coworker* Hey, do you know how I'd get this field? You have to go through 4 tables just to find it because of the way the tables are related.
*coworker looks for a bit* Oh. That's crazy. We should ask the DBA.
*we ask our 60 year old DBA for some help.*
He walks us through a minefield of inner and outer joins and selects and we finally arrive at a solution. Kudos to our DBA, who in the eyes of us young devs is a wizard.

  • 7
    ++ for using "wizard".
  • 2
    the awkward moment when I look around and realized, we have no dba...nor tester...nor support...we are devs and we do those things..
  • 0
    @DevVsCat Sometimes it's nice being able to handle everything yourself, but in the moments that things are outside of your wheelhouse it's great to be able to ask a specialist.
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