
JavaScript devs, what questions do you ask or been asked during interviews?

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    Questions regarding scope and 'this', most of the time. Asynchronous program flow, quite often (e.g. running multiple sync operations in parallel vs in series). Prototypical inheritance, rarely.

    When applying for a position that explicitly mentions ES6, 'var/let/const' and 'implicit this in arrow functions', promises.

    When applying for a job that use a specific framework, like "Senior Angular developer", knowing that framework from practice (not tutorials alone) is a must.
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    What if users dont hace JavaScript activated on browser?
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    - Warmup: difference between '==' and '==='.

    - Warmup: 'arr' is an array declared like this: 'var arr = [1,2,3,4]'. What is the difference between 'arr = []' and 'arr.length = 0'?

    - What is 'this'?

    - What is a prototype? Give me an example

    - What does the 'new' keyword do? What's the difference between 'func()' and 'new func()'?

    - How do you do inheritance in a prototyped language like JavaScript?

    - How do you parse JSON in JavaScript? Do you use eval()? Why/why not?

    - Why do people wrap their code into one big function?

    - Do we have exceptions in JavaScript? How do we handle errors?

    - Tell me about a feature of ES6 that you like.

    In general, I tend to give a lot of importance to scoping, the prototype chain, how types are created and instantiated, and so on.
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    My favourite question is to write code for prototype based inheritance in vanilla JS. Most of angular guys gets filtered out.

    I particularly hate when I get candidates who says they know angular 1/2/4, but no idea how JS works.
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