My manager announced in today's team meeting that I got promoted and going to work in another department next month and no one said anything and I'm so fucking triggered. I just can't help it, I worked with most of these people for a long time, I know their best wishes mean nothing but come on, how fucking salty can you be, and why do I care so much lol.

  • 8
    No matter how well you succeed or achieve, there are going to be individuals who will not celebrate you. Keep running your race.
  • 4
    The way I see it, it's just words and pretending. Corporate family is a bullshit notion and no one really owes you any congratulations unless they really want to. I usually abstain from most chit chat that's unrelated to my current task, including who goes where or what their cats name is.

    Only exception is people I really grew to like, but then I'm not pretending to congratulate them, then I mean it. Can you really blame people for not pretending? Not in my opinion at least.
  • 5
    Maybe they wanted the promotion
  • 0
    Well, I kinda guess that depends on your team. Last I was promoted to CTO, no one of the other 3 who could have been candidates objected.

    But that had likely to do with us working together for 5+ years and knowing that I was signing up for a whole lot of extra bullshit I must tank for them.

    Because, always, being a leader is not about power. It's about responsibility.
  • 0
    @fruitfcker No the manager congratulated me but it was an online meeting, just others did not follow along.
  • 0
    @MammaNeedHummus Yeah most of them are trying to get promoted but are struggling to, they're still assholes though.
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    @PaperTrail realest shit in here
  • 2
    I say this in all seriousness because I know what you're saying: these people aren't your friends, they're not your family. Be proud of yourself for getting the promotion; sod those tossers. Don't let them piss in your Shreddies.
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